
Kumamoto Rekimachi Support Corporation Designation Ceremony Held ♦♢♦♢

In order to strengthen cooperation with local community development organizations and promote each project, we have designated four corporations with expertise and experience as “Support Corporations for Maintaining and Enhancing Historic Landscape” in order to preserve and utilize historical resources such as townhouses and promote the attractiveness of the district in accordance with the “Kumamoto Historical Town Development Plan”.

(1) Kawashiri Machizukuri General Incorporated Association

(2) General Incorporated Association KIMOIRIDON

(3) General Incorporated Association Isshin Machizukuri no Kai

(4) NPO Kumamoto Machinami Trust

In order of application receipt.

Going forward, the local community, government, financial institutions, and others will work together more closely than ever before to further promote the Kumamoto Historical Town Development Plan.

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